Picture Framing Jobs and Business Opportunities

 We are keen to explore picture framing employment and business opportunities

Picture Framing Jobs:

  • Leading Picture Framer/manager - Must have proven experience in leading a modern, advanced, busy framing workshop. You need to be experienced, driven, fast working and highly efficient, with up-to-date knowledge of modern framing technology.

  • Picture Framing Sales Consultant - Must have experience in selling picture framing products and services to our discerning clientele. You will have impeccable framing taste coupled with good industry knowledge. Be highly organised, efficient, self-motivated and able to work independently. Future location of this role could be flexible.
  • Picture Framers - Will need to have framing experience. Be comfortable using common framing equipment and familiar with the industry.
  • Conservators - With a proven conservation background and with an existing customer base. Work alongside our business and share premises.
  • Marketing - We are looking for an experienced digital sales and marketing person with industry or interior design experience who can help grow our business.


Picture Framing Business Opportunities:

  • If you have a workload bigger than your current capabilities, then consider offloading this workload to our experienced team and freeing up time to work on your business. Give us a call to discuss the options and rates. 
  • If you have a successful business, have experienced independent staff and are considering or are interested in selling, either now or in the future then please get in contact to discuss the options with us in confidence. 


Call Lars on 063573944 about picture framing opportunities or Click Here to email.